On March 18 – during Art Central XL – Root Gallery opens a new group exhibition with all of its represented artists! You are welcome to come by the gallery from 16.00-20.00 to admire the artworks in a transformed gallery space, while enjoying a drink or talking to the artists present.
Root Gallery, 6th Floor, Robert Fruinstraat 52, Rotterdam The Netherlands
Opening 18.03.2023 from 4 – 8 pm
On show from 18.03.2023 until 10.04.2023
Open Thu-Sat 1 – 5 pm & Open by appointment
Part of Art Central Rotterdam XL: Sat 18.03 & Sun 19.03 from 12 – 6 pm
Triptych Of Verticals (Wallsculpture No.1) by Donald Schenkel
Donald Schenkel, Blue Square No.1, 2020, 120 x 80 cm, Oil paint on glass with aluminium hanging system
Soft Green Twilight Diptych, 2023, 87 x 12 x 12 cm x 2, Oil on linen with plane tree woodClose up of Soft Green Twilight Diptych, 2023, 87 x 12 x 12 cm x 2, Oil on linen with plane tree wood