The Mattering of Colour revolves around our experience of colours as they flash purely from the canvas embodied by materials as paint and pure pigment powder. The opening will take place from 16:30 until 19:00 with live music by Tw/ce at Sint-Jobsweg 30 in Rotterdam. St Job is a creative working environment by MILLTEN Rotterdam. With this art exhibition MILLTEN provides a new platform for showing Rotterdam based artists.
Group Exhibition – The Mattering of Colour
Yvonne de Jong, MILLTEN Rotterdam and I present the very first group exhibition organised at the iconic ST. Job building from 1947, located at LIodkwartier, Rotterdam. With artworks by: Janina Schipper, Rosa Peters, Lisette Schumacher and I.
Opening the 17th of May 17.00 2018
At the Assembled by Root Gallery
Sint-Jobsweg 30 Rotterdam.
Read more about The Mattering of Colour