Untitled (Cube)
Untitled (Cube) is a sculpture by Donald Schenkel in which the illusion of an endless space as expressed by his gradients is defaulted by turning them into a geometrical object.…
Untitled (Cube) is a sculpture by Donald Schenkel in which the illusion of an endless space as expressed by his gradients is defaulted by turning them into a geometrical object.…
Archaic View is a complex gradient composition and triptych by Donald Schenkel, made of oil paint on wood. The gradient shows its mirror image in blue. This work of art…
Blue #001 is a work of art that explores the transparency of oil paints and the pigment Ultramarine Blue in particular. Exhibition view The Mattering of Colour, photography by Sophie…
The Mattering of Colour revolves around our experience of colours as they flash purely from the canvas embodied by materials as paint and pure pigment powder. The opening will take…